
Anti-wrinkle Treatment

We use the highest quality product available on the market and provide anti-wrinkle treatment for both upper and lower face.

We offer 3 types of anti-wrinkle products starting from $3.90 per unit.

Enquire today for product information and pricing. Free consultations and full facial assessments are available with our Registered / Cosmetic Nurse.


Dermal Filler

Plump, define and enhance your natural beauty with the highest quality products.

We take pride in achieving results that are natural looking and give a more youthful appearance.

Dermal fillers can assist with:

• Enhancing natural beauty.

• Aesthetic symmetry.

• Replacing volume loss.

• Making you look and feel your best.

Book in for a free consultation to discuss your personalised options.


PRP Treatment

What is PRP?

▫️It stands for Platelet-Rich Plasma, which is blood plasma containing a high concentration of platelets, also known as thrombocytes. PRP can help regenerate and revitalise damaged tissue.

How does a it work?

▫️Direct injections of PRP helps accelerate the process of tissue regeneration and repair, encouraging collagen, elastin and new blood supply.

How many treatments are required?

▫️This will depend on the individual client. It is recommended that you have 2-3 treatments, approximately 4-6 weeks apart. This will be discussed with your treating Nurse during your consultation.

How quickly does it work?

▫️After your first treatment, the platelets will stimulate the growth factors which will assist with elastin, collagen production and blood supply to the treated area, over the next few weeks and continuing to improve over the next few months.